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Lets define materialistic culture

  • Materialistic culture It’s the manifest of human activities…, lets say we define American culture, the shirt that has the print label phrase of     'I💙LA' As globally known of LA, is where Hollywood is located. Another one would be Domestic Muscle vehicles, known as GM (General Motors) American can proudly represent its culture with the in house development of muscle vehicles 'The ('Make') includes, Chevrolet, Cadillac… Etc. 

Another example, lets define Cambodia…, it's a country in part of Asia. It's a small continent, but compact diverse country, because of their priceless Ancient left behind by their ancestor over thousand plus years ago. Cambodia like to express their culture through General Art of  'Angkor Watt'  that’s a beautiful Ancient. Express either by the Sculptures of it, drawing or a fine Print on the shirts. So now you know what’s Materialistic culture. But wait! It's not done yet. There are many more info that would captivate your mind about cultures.

How many cultures are in the world right now? There are….

  • There are seven known parts elements that brought out the definition of a single large culture. Within these seven known element of a culture, there are which is labeled as subcultures. Subcultures is the culture that are not large enough to encompass the society but still belonging within that larger known culture region. We will be explaining what are the large elements describes of the individual cultures below, so keep reading…
  • The large culture region are those some might also share similar landscape, group socialize and organization, government, economy, the history, languages and the religious beliefs. Many of those major culture's regions commonly share the same Climate as well.

Why shouldn’t be confusing within a large culture regions….

  • We all should understand, not every person’s in that particular belong to culture region share the same culture. What’s that mean? For example some group of people in that culture region might speak differences languages as well, and their Primary origins possibly be differed from where they are currently siding, they have also come to depend on each other economically. As like America and Canada, most civilians speak English, but some parts of Canada there are sorted groups who speaks French.  America on the other hand, there  are many who are speaking Spanish and that is part of Latin culture. Latin culture is huge as well. We’ll get down to that in a moment, so keep reading. In that sided region, the religious beliefs, most are differences  as well, that are including, Catholic, Buddhist, Protestant, Christian, Jewish, Muslim and many others.  

Here is the definition of worldwide known culture regions….

Western Culture

  • This refers to one of a far great toward European countries territories and those historically known of heavily influences by European Immigration which are included United State of America. Its define heritage of social norms in European civilization and traditional.

Which countries are part of Western culture? You want to know?

  • Countries included part of Western are Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, France, Monaco, Netherlands, Luxembourg and of course United State, whose Language and immigration majorities are European descent. As well include all the smaller state of EU, EFTA.

Eastern Culture

  • Eastern culture generally refers to the society norms toward countries in Far East Asia, countries includes are, China, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and some small part of Indian micro continents. Its cultures heavily influences by the religious beliefs. Agriculture in major growth on harvesting of rices. Most Captivated, Priceless and attraction of Eastern culture are their Ancient’s, as then was first started their development by their ancestor. In accordant, those are one of the remarkably capitalize by the tourist.

Middle Eastern Culture

  • There are consists approximately of over 20 countries base in the Middle East region. Every region, there are the follow of their earlier texts and beliefs is significantly important for individuals. Huge influences of Languages. A few religion take place in middle eastern are, Christianity, Judaism, and majorly Islamic. The Middle East region believe that most life’s that's taking place on earth are controlled and orchestrated by God. Men dependent by the fate that determined by God.   

How many languages are there in the Middle Eastern?

  • Languages are taking a huge affiliates siding in the regions of the Middle East… There are over 60 of differences languages, which some are including, Greek, Kurdish, and Arabic is majorly and commonly influences in the regions. Arabic widely spoken by region of Egypt, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. Another factor lead spread of Arabic is the economically increases of Islam.  Some languages are part of their native regions but over 60 languages is also some other that were introduced into parts of the region from around the world.

What is the tradition in part of Middle Eastern culture?

  • The few some traditions are, Handshake,  Walking hand in hand by two males. Hugging is included but would only occur between those are closes friends.

Latin Culture

  • Many Spanish-speaking all over the nation are a tribe of Latin Culture, major geographic widespread. Latin defined as part South America, Central America and Mexico. While Spanish and Portuguese is the language that  are currently speaking and is dominant throughout the regions. The term ‘Latin’ was originally used by the French Geographers to differentiate between Anglo (refer to North America) and Romance (refer to group of Indo-European) Where Portugal, Spain including European continent is considered key influencers to life what known as ‘Latin Culture’.

African Culture

Africa culture
  • Believe or not, according to Natural History and Museum, base in London. Specified that our human life started in this part of Africa continent and begin to migrate to all over other continents worldwide and is considered essential for all continental's area. That’s based around approximately over 60,000 plus years ago. 

Is there any proof’s show to where human came from? Our human came from….

  • Many other researchers around the glob continued on studying human genomes and trace down to various other cultures for DNA for common ancestors. Those include some fossil factors that has been found throughout the years passing by, to all these theories. 

Define Africa and better understand of its tradition…

  • Africa is home for many tribes and large number of many ethnic and socialize group throughout 54 countries in its continent. Nigeria alone has insanely over 300 tribes. Africa has been divided into two groups. North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa. North Africa more tie up to the Middle East while in the other hand Sub-Saharan share more of historical and characteristic differently from North Africa according to University of Colorado. Africa is a known home for many living animals to this day compare to worldwide surrounding.

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